-------------------------------------------------------- WinFrame Client for Internet Computing README November 1995 -------------------------------------------------------- (c) Copyright Citrix Systems, Inc. 1995 ---------------------------- HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT ---------------------------- To view Readme.txt on screen in Notepad, maximize the Notepad window. To print Readme.txt, open it in Notepad or another word processor, and then use the Print command on the File menu. -------- CONTENTS -------- INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW WINFRAME CLIENT for INTERNET COMPUTING SETUP NOTES ----------------------------- INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW ----------------------------- This is the beta test version of the WinFrame Client for Internet Computing. It has been designed to work with Netscape Navigator running under Windows 95 or Windows NT. Although the installation of this software automatically configures itself for use with Netscape Navigator, it can be manually configured to work with any Web browser that supports "Helper Apps" or "Viewers." Refer to the setup notes section below for more information about manual configuration. After you setup the WinFrame Client for Internet Computing, your Netscape Navigator browser will allow you to click on WinFrame Hotlinks located on Web sites throughout the Internet. WinFrame Hotlinks automatically connect you to Windows applications that execute on WinFrame Internet servers. To try it, simply navigate to the Citrix On-Line Web site at (http://www.citrix.com). Click on the topic "Windows over the Internet." When you see the WinFrame Hotlink icons, choose one and click! The WinFrame Client software will automatically start and make a connection to the selected application running on a WinFrame server. -------------------------------------------------------- WINFRAME CLIENT for INTERNET COMPUTING SETUP NOTES -------------------------------------------------------- You can manually set up the WinFrame Client for use with other Web browsers. First, you should refer to the documentation that came with your browser. Look for the topic called "Viewers" or "Helper Apps." To set up your browser manually: 1 - Start your Web browser from Windows NT Program Manager or your Windows 95 desktop. 2- Choose the command your browser uses for configuring viewer or helper apps. 3- Specify a new viewer or helper app that uses files with the .ICA extension. 4- Specify the viewer or helper app as WFCRUNN.EXE (located in the directory you specified during the setup process) 5- You are now ready to click on any WinFrame Hotlink!